August 3, 2017

New research on ORCID in books

In a recent blog post, ORCID announced new research and recommendations on how best to implement ORCID iDs in book publishing workflows. An ORCID iD is a unique and persistent identifier for scholars and researchers that can be associated with all of the articles, books, and other publications that a given author contributes to. The ORCID system enables the creation of an authoritative record not only of all of those publications, but also the individual’s educational and professional history and credentials. It provides a way to disambiguate authors who have the same or similar names, along with enabling a given author to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the publications that are attributed to her. It has become quite widely used in journals, but its use is seriously lagging in books.

An ORCID community working group engaged Apex’s VP and Principal Consultant, Bill Kasdorf, to interview representatives from publishers, library organizations, technology companies, funders, and service providers across the book publishing ecosystem and summarize the findings in a report to shed light on how best to promote the use of ORCID for book publishing workflows.

The report’s main finding was, “while book publishers recognize the benefit of ORCID in distinguishing authors, simplifying sign-in, and identifying potential reviewers, there is almost no implementation of ORCID in book publishing workflows, and a seeming lack of pressure from authors to do so.” Mr. Kasdorf delineated the factors that contribute to this lack of implementation and provided a set of concrete recommendations for addressing them.

The summary report is available below, or you can learn more in ORCID’s blog post here.

0000-0001-7002-4786; Kasdorf, Bill (2017): ORCID in Book Workflows: Report and Recommendations. figshare.
Retrieved: 19:07, Aug 01, 2017 (GMT)

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