Guide to Accessible Publishing

Four common challenges and how to overcome them

The tools, technology, and expertise exist for publishers to start producing born-accessible publications today. XML-first workflows and EPUB 3 provide the foundation, publishers need only take the next few steps, and they aren’t as hard or expensive as you think.

Learn the four most common and important challenges for accessible publishing, and how to overcome them:

  1. HTML markup and ARIA

  2. Math, tables, and media

  3. Image descriptions

  4. Accessibility metadata

The time is ripe for publishers to produce born-accessible publications. Download this practical how-to guide for improving the accessibility of your publications.

Picture of the guide's cover page.

This guide is adapted from content presented in the “What you need to know to get accessibility right” webinar hosted by Apex CoVantage and Bill Kasdorf & Associates.

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