
Reimagining how content is produced, preserved, and consumed

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“Digital publishing”? It’s just “publishing”.

Despite the complexity and challenge we’re facing today, the processes we use in publishing are actually getting easier. How content is authored, acquired, developed, edited, designed, produced, promoted, distributed, and discovered is all digital. “Digital publishing” is soon going to be obsolete and it’ll all just be “publishing.”

All publishing is digital now. There isn’t any other kind.

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The secret to good publishing workflow architecture:

Make the pieces benefit the whole. It’s all too easy, in optimizing things for the folks at one stage of the workflow, to accidentally make things harder for folks at other stages. We need to broaden our field of vision and ask, “how can we make it easy for the people doing this part to make it easier for others as a natural byproduct of their work?”

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