Benefits of XML Workflow

Traditional publishing has been completely transformed by the digital era. Publishers are no longer focused on just producing pages in a book or journal, but on delivering experiences through all kinds of formats, devices, and platforms – books, websites, smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and whatever comes next. That’s why you need an agile, XML-driven publishing workflow architecture – so you can create content however your audience wants it.

Your business can achieve the following benefits from an XML workflow:

  • Cut production time and cost
  • Faster first proof approval
  • Customized content
  • Content that’s searchable and reusable
  • Future proof formats
  • Easy eBook production
  • Specialized outputs

We’re here to help. Start by downloading our free white paper, Top Challenges for Journal Publishers, to discover the answers to critical questions about your workflow and see where you can make changes.

Just complete the form to download your free copy of the white paper now, and take the first step to a modern XML workflow.